A life.

February 2012

Thirty days ago exactly Eloise arrived. With no doubt seeing her come into the world was the most amazing thing I have ever seen and felt. I’ll always remember when she was first, blue faced, blood smeared and still connected, put onto Natalie’s chest.

My life is very different now than it was thirty days ago.

Thirty days ago exactly Eloise arrived. With no doubt seeing her come into the world was the most amazing thing I have ever seen and felt. I’ll always remember when she was first, blue faced, blood smeared and still connected, put onto Natalie’s chest.

I think I held my breath until Eloise took her first. She didn’t cry. She just lay there – it looked like she was sleeping. Then, after her lungs lurched for the first time and her chest rose, my heart collapsed into a million pieces.

Absolute joy and relief – like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. The sort of emotion that made us both cry uncontrollably – she was so perfect. We were so lucky.

I have never been so exhausted, exhilarated and emotional all at once.

A whole life now exists because we made it.

Stop. Think.

We made a life.